812-654-2444 Phone
812-654-3834 Fax
(812)654-3834 Fax
(833)654-2444 or (800)379-1800
Disconnection Of Service

Wait for a South Eastern customer service representative
to contact you by email to confirm your date of disconnect

(All fields required)
Your Name:
Account Number:
Physical Address:
New Mailing Address:
New State:
New Zip:
Phone Number:
E-Mail Address:
Date Of Disconnection:
I understand that until a South Eastern Gas customer service representative contacts me by email confirming my date of disconnection, my service will remain in my name and I will be responsible for all charges until my date of disconnection is confirmed. I understand if I do not provide a fowarding address, my account will not be shut off and I will remain responsible for all charges until I can provide the fowarding address. I understand if I am requesting disconnection of service for more then one account, I will have to fill out the form for each one. This form only covers one property. I understand if I have a deposit on my account, it will be applied to my final bill and if there is any credit on my account, it will be refunded to me within 30 days to the new address that I have provided. I understand that if a balance remains on my account, the balance will be due within (17) days of the closing of the account.
I agree with the terms and conditions.
(Type your name above to signify your signature and indicate
your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the program).

Why Natural Gas?

• Lower cost & better comfort
• Higher quality heat
• Reliable & safe
• A natural occurring energy source
• Made in the USA
Minimize Your Bill

• Install a programmable thermostat
• Keep window shades and draperies   open during the day
• Have your furnace serviced
Natural Gas Tips

How to identify a possible gas leak:

Smell rotten egg or sulfur odor
Hear blowing or hissing sound
See blowing dirt

More Information