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South Eastern Indiana Natural Gas Co., Inc. Landlord Standby Agreement

South Eastern Indiana Natural Gas Co., Inc offers a service to landlords that gives them the option of continuing uninterrupted natural gas service to their rental properties between tenants. Under the landlord Standby Agreement, after a tenant has moved out and service in the tenant's name is discontinued, South Eastern Indiana Natural Gas Co., Inc. will provide a final bill to the tenant, then continue to provide service to the property under the landlord's name automatically.

This Contractual agreement allows natural gas service to continue while a rental property is unoccupied. Before a landlord may receive this service and enter into a Landlord Standby Agreement, the landlord's account must be current and all outstanding bills paid in full. For this agreement to remain in effect, all bills accrued while service is in the landlord's name must be paid in full by the due date.

Landlord Standby Agreement Terms

Landlord StandBy Agreement
Why Natural Gas?

• Lower cost & better comfort
• Higher quality heat
• Reliable & safe
• A natural occurring energy source
• Made in the USA
Minimize Your Bill

• Install a programmable thermostat
• Keep window shades and draperies   open during the day
• Have your furnace serviced
Natural Gas Tips

How to identify a possible gas leak:

Smell rotten egg or sulfur odor
Hear blowing or hissing sound
See blowing dirt

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