812-654-2444 Phone
(812)654-3834 Fax
(833)654-2444 or (800)379-1800

Disconnection of Services:

To request a voluntary disconnection of utility service, please call the office or fill out the disconnect service form under customer service, at least three business days in advance. You will remain responsible for all usage and the related charges until we disconnect the service(s).

South Eastern Indiana Natural Gas Co., Inc. may disconnect your service without prior notice for the following reasons: South Eastern Indiana Natural Gas Co., Inc. may disconnect service for non-payment of services when: When a service order is generated to disconnect service for non payment; a Collection Charge will be applied to the account. Refer to the back of the monthly statement for more details.

If your service has been disconnected, no after-hours reconnections will be preformed. This includes the hours between 5:00 pm and 8:00 am, Monday through Thursday and the weekend from 5:00 pm Friday through 8:00 am Monday. Any holiday office closing is also considered after-hours.

Prior to disconnection we offer a number of payment methods to make the process easier for the customer. Customers who are unable to pay a bill in full should notify our office as soon as possible to discuss options for payment. Agreements may be available to customers who qualify, but only if you contact our office more than 24 hours prior to the due date.

The Indiana Energy Assistance Program (EAP) provides financial assistance to low-income households to maintain utility services during the winter heating months. The program is implemented through Community Action Agencies with outreach offices in every county. Please contact the Community Action Agency in your area to learn about the appropriate funds available and the steps to submitting an application. You can find a link under information for assistance programs and information.
Why Natural Gas?

• Lower cost & better comfort
• Higher quality heat
• Reliable & safe
• A natural occurring energy source
• Made in the USA
Minimize Your Bill

• Install a programmable thermostat
• Keep window shades and draperies   open during the day
• Have your furnace serviced
Natural Gas Tips

How to identify a possible gas leak:

Smell rotten egg or sulfur odor
Hear blowing or hissing sound
See blowing dirt

More Information